RAD140 or also testlone is SARM from the “newer” category. Its biggest benefit is to provide testosterone mega doses without negative side effects. Its effects are comparable to testosterone, but the RAD140 has a higher anabolic effect. In the future, it is contemplated that it will be used in substitution hormone therapy, where it would be an equivalent substitute for current drugs due to its effects, which are more appropriate to its minimal side effects.

RAD 140 (Testolone) is the newest compound in the family of selective androgen receptor modulators, or as they are better know – SARMS. Therefore , its major advantage over anabolic steroids is that it offers similar positive results, with barely any side effects at all. Indeed, this is quite a unique compound, even when it is compared to other SARMS, and in this article we shall revier the most interesting aspects of RAD 140.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: Take 1 capsule with 250ml water daily. Take a maximum of 2 capsules a day. Higher dosage for advanced users should be consulted with your doctor or specialist. Swiss Pharmaceuticals is not responsible for health problems caused by incorrect dosing.