
MK-2866 is a selective androgen receptor modulaor (SARM).


  • Increases lean muscle mass and strength
  • Shouldn’t cause hormonal imbalance
  • May improve bone strength
  • May lower cholesterol and improve insulin resistance
  • Only mild side effects have been reported

How to use MK-2866 ?
There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to the usage of MK-2866. Some bodybuilders prefer to use it on its own purposes of body re-composition, while ithers like to stact SARMs. Its a triple threat whose effects can be observed on daily dosages of 15mg to 25mg taken for 12 weeks.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: Take 1 capsule with 250ml water daily. Take a maximum of 2 capsules a day. Higher dosage for advanced users should be consulted with your doctor or specialist. Swiss Pharmaceuticals is not responsible for health problems caused by incorrect dosing.