What it does?
This compound is perfect for a beginner who’s just starting training and wants something that will give them that competitive edge in fat loss, the key with stanodrol is its ability to promote lean muscle and vascularity with absolutely zero estrogen conversion, It is also perfect to combine with any pro-hormone to gain maximum results and potency.

What is it and How does it effect you?
This is a probolic that is a metabolite of naturally occurring testosterone metabolite DHT (dihydrotestosterone). It requires a two-step conversion (via 3b-HSD and 17b-HSD). Those taking stanodrol should expect quite androgenic and not majorly anabolic effects. The positives of this are still plentiful, those taking stanodrol should expect a nice hardening effect, better workout aggression, and a positive effect on libido. As stanodrol is a compound that requires a two step conversion process to testosterone.

Who should take it?
This compound is an ideal testosterone boosting compound and can be used to improve general performance, with the compound being a direct metabolite of DHT there is some suggestion that only males would benefit from this product.
We do not advise the use of these compounds for anyone under the age of 21.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: Take 1 capsule with 250ml water daily. Higher dosage for advanced users should be consulted with your doctor or specialist. Swiss Pharmaceuticals is not responsible for health problems caused by incorrect dosing.